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2025 missions trips

Are you passionate about missions? We have exciting opportunities for you to go on a mission trip in 2025. If you're interested, please contact the trip leader. We can't wait to see you make a difference in the world!


Fill out an application today!

Download the document, fill it out, and give it to the trip leader.



March 14 - 21, 2025



For more information email:

River City will send a team to Panama to work alongside missionaries Rich and Wanda Ferguson to continue construction at Agape Church, creating a permanent building for them to worship. The team will assist with painting, cleaning, and block laying, as well as other similar efforts at the Latin America Resource and Training Center.



June 2 - 9, 2025



For more information email:

This trip will emphasize prayer. Jason and Andrea Morrison, people from our church, will be the host missionaries.


We will visit various ministry sites to pray and even lead a prayer/worship meeting at them. If someone is interested in specialized ministry skills like worship, children, or parenting/family, we may utilize the opportunity to meet specific needs in specific churches. 



November 14 - 22, 2025



For more information email:

The Amman Launch Team (ALT) aims to raise workers who will go out in teams to plant the church among unreached people. 

Our short-term trips look and feel quite different from what most groups are used to. Our trips expose you to the heart of Live Dead

Arab World: Church planting in an Arab-Muslim context. We create opportunities for visitors to interact with Arabs and with our team members to gain a deeper understanding of life and ministry in

the Middle East.

We aim to involve all our visiting teams with English conversation clubs at our community center, twice-weekly team meetings, prayer walks around the city, Arabic-speaking classes, sharing meals with workers, etc. We pray that God will stir the hearts of all visitors regarding how they can find their place long-term in God’s purposes among unreached people.

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